Saturday, 10 September 2011

Decisions to be made

A month ago I applied for a job in Cyprus. We have an ambition to move abroad. Cyprus wasn't on the list really, but I came across an advert for what seemed like the perfect job for me.

It was with a British Army school. The work hours were great, finishing at 1230, which would mean lots of family time, good financial benefits and it would mean Tim could be a stay at home Dad for a while. My head was filled with fantasies of Greek food, sunshine, the boys growing up near a beach, them having the experience of being in another culture, but with the added bonus of receiving a British education.

The interviews were this week, and I wasn't shortlisted! I'm gutted! I worked so hard on the application to make sure that it was as good as it could be. It is the first teaching job that I have wanted and have been excited about in years.

So now, I have decisions to make. Noah needs to be enrolled in primary School in the next year, so we have to decide where we want to live in order for him to be enrolled at a school. Obviously I want it to be a good school, but is it here in the Midlands or do we up and move within the country?

Obviously the latter would mean both Tim and I searching for new jobs, and in this climate that would be a challenge. But having just spent a lovely week in Cornwall, we both said how lovely it would be to move down there, but property prices are a lot more than here, and jobs are competitive.

I have toyed around with the idea of starting a business, and I have two ideas of what I would like to do, but I'm not sure I have the courage to go for it. Both options would require big capital investments, which we don't have, and I am not prepared to risk our home.

What to do?

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