Thursday, 3 May 2012

My favourite quote

I can't pick an all time favourite quote so I am going to cheat a little bit and go for two. The first one isn't a quote so much as some lyrics from a song from one of my favourite bands; The parlotones. The song is called "Window Shopper", and it kind of sums up how I'm feeling about my life lately.

"You bury your dreams deep inside
It's up to you to breathe in life
The chemicals of goosebumps
The chemicals of butterflies in stomachs
It's up to you to realise

If you never try, then you'll never fail
If you never fail, then you'll never gain
And you'll be a window shopper
Don't just stand there window shopping

You're a secret master of disguises
Pretend to be happy, you big fat liars
The formula of "could've been's"
Swallowed up by cautious routines
Changing Mr. Compromise"

The second sums me up perfectly, and it's from a gorgeous woman, sadly no longer with us. Marilyn Monroe is one of my heroes.


  1. Not heard that song or the band before, so will have to check them out. :) And love the Marilyn quote!

  2. They are from South Africa. I discovered Them when they supported Ash a couple of years ago. They have been on my iPod constantly since! "A world next door to yours" is the album the song comes from.

  3. I had 2 quotes too! Love Marilyns quote! She had some great ones. will have to have a look for the song. I like the lyrics x

  4. Ohhh I will have to check the band out x

  5. Great lyrics and quote ... I couldn't restrict my quotes to just one or two!

  6. Hi. New visitor here from the challenge. Great lyrics and of course got to love the Marilyn quote.

    1. Hi, thanks for dropping by:) a lot of their songs really hit home with me!

  7. Great choices, I am not familiar with that band, will need to check them out! I couldn't choose just one quote either, it's so hard :-)

  8. I am really rubbish about liking different music. These guys supported Ash, and are the only support band I've seen that I've gone home and downloaded the albums straight away:)

  9. LOVE Marilyn Monroe and she was so right!


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