Friday, 20 July 2012

Summer holiday activities

So the summer holidays are officially here. This is the time of year that I lived for in my previous life as a teacher. But now, I have an almost 4 year old and a 14 month old to entertain for 6 whole weeks.


What to do? The weather, well let's face it, it's been shocking for 2 months now. I seriously fear for my sanity if we don't get some proper summer weather soon.

A couple of months ago, I found hundreds of wonderful ideas for entertaining the kids that had been posted on Pinterest. Most were American, and therefore suited to American summer weather. But I hope to take some of the ideas and mould them to fit our crappy weather.

I need free/cheap activities, as I am broke, and I need to avoid soft play centres, as I cannot be doing with being in an enclosed space with 124,647 children.

So far I have these ideas: forest walks/nature trail, play dough, water painting, chalk paint, cooking, Lego, park. I intend to chose 1 "messy" activity per day, so either playdough or painting, not both as my blood pressure won't cope with the mess, plus a walk somewhere in the morning. I intend this to be the summer where Noah learns to play independently for more than 2.5 minutes. Having my sister and Noah's cousins next door is going to be a great help, because the kids will want to play in the garden too.

Of course, this is all going to take lots of motivation on my part. Noah has the attention span of a flea, and getting him to tidy his mess is harder than quantum physics.

So what will you be doing with your kiddies this summer?



  1. I just posted a list of 50 ideas.... though i posted it because the weather here is awful!!!

  2. I love your ideas! Summer can be so hard to fill the time. I would love for you to come link up this post at the Mommy-Brain Mixer blog hop, which is happening right now! TONS of fun! I hope to see you! :)


Thanks for stopping by
